Alesis DM10Studio DM10X Mesh Kits on Drum Talk TV

Welcome to the Alesis Series!


We got to play with some of the electronic percussion products Alesis makes, and created a series of interviews about these products at the headquarters in Cumberland, Rhode Island.

The episodes you can expect to see here in this series include two episodes on the Alesis DM10 X and DM10 Studio Mesh Kits; both feature the DM10 High Definition Drum Module with Dynamic Articulation™ technology. This module has 1000 drum sounds and dozens of styles of music sequences as well. And that’s just the beginning.

We also cover the SamplePad Pro and the Sample Rack, as well as applications for incorporating the SamplePad Pro into a hybrid kit.

Scroll down the page for more of the videos…and keep checking back for more demo videos, and some full-on jams!

This Series Best Experienced with High Quality Headphones, Earbuds, or Speakers!


DM10 X Mesh Kit & DM10 High Definition Drum Module with Dynamic Articulation™ Technology

Josh Cuadra from Alesis takes us through many of the module’s features, Dan takes the mesh kit for a bit of test drive and then Josh opens up the throttle and shows us what the module and mesh kit can do together! The kit as a 8” kick, 12” snare, two 10” rack toms, two 12” floors, a multi-zone ride, two crashes and a hi-hat. Since that is not enough, the rims of all the drums are triggers as well and you can hand choke the cymbals.

We haven’t even touched on what the DM10 module with 1,000 samples can do: It has 74 pre-programmed music sequences of many styles and genres of music you can play to w/ or w/o the drum tracks, accompaniment, or click. A great teaching tool as well! This setup retails for only $2,199 USD. The module accommodates midi, USB, SD card and has an RCA aux out. The tension on the mesh heads can be adjusted to suit your stick response preferences.

There’s nothing missing here.

The SamplePad Pro

Here we feature the SamplePad Pro. This is a very useful and musical device, whether for rehearsing, composing, or as part of a percussion rig, or hybrid drum set.

Enjoy this episode as Walter Skorupski from Alesis joins us to talk about all the cool features … and Dan brought sticks, so you know what that means. And by the way, this unit lists at only $399 USD!

Go to the Official Page

Check out the video with Jason Sutter; Watch the demo by Nick Lamberti; Get pics, download specs, and more.

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